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Discover Our Tradition

In the heart of Mexico, between mountains and valleys, our story is born. The ancestral tradition of mezcal is intertwined with the richness of our culture. Chipilon is the result of decades of passion for preserving the roots of artisanal distillation.

Since time immemorial, the art of making mezcal has been passed down from generation to generation. Our master mezcaleros, custodians of the legacy, honor every step of the process: from the planting of the agave to the final distillate. We are proud to be guardians of this heritage, preserving the unique essence of our land in each bottle.

The Essence of Chipilón

Chipilón is not just a drink, it is an expression of identity. Each variety, from Joven to Añejo, tells a unique story. Our commitment to authenticity is reflected in every sip, taking your senses on a sensory journey.

The name Chipilón connects us with the desire to pamper and pamper, because we believe that every drop of mezcal is a gift for the soul. Made with wild maguey and without artificial additives, each bottle is a tribute to our history, a tribute to the passion for preserving the authentic.


Pamper through flavor, preserving the essence.
Our mission is to be the guardians of an ancient tradition, offering sensory experiences that embrace the soul. We are dedicated to making mezcal with passion and respect for the land, giving our customers the opportunity to taste the authenticity of Mexico in every sip. We seek to share the history of our country through the legacy of mezcal, pampering the senses with the warmth and richness of our roots.


To be the benchmark for authenticity and comfort worldwide.
Our mission is to be the guardians of an ancient tradition, offering sensory experiences that embrace the soul. We are dedicated to making mezcal with passion and respect for the land, giving our customers the opportunity to taste the authenticity of Mexico in every sip. We seek to share the history of our country through the legacy of mezcal, pampering the senses with the warmth and richness of our roots.